to confirm what Maddy wrote below, pretty sure that unknown person is my brother, Rik Sherry. He was very good friends with Peter Siegelman back in the day. The "tall guy" looks like Rik and we lived on Dogleg Lane, not Clover lane, two houses away from the Bagdons. Thanks for your newsletter Arthur although I cannot imagine how you have the time and energy it must take to put this out as frequently as you do. Happy holidays to all, Jane
I thoroughly enjoy the newsletters. Please keep them coming! To add to Jeffery Orling’s list of “S” sectioners, I offer the following: the Roths, Hecklers, Mardens (for a time), Klines, Greenbergs, Metzgers, Speilbergers, Bernsteins, Stones, Rutenbergs, Klaubers, Srinivasans, Goldbergs, Rubins, Malskys and Weinsteins—to name a few. :)
Great job as always Art. Enjoy all the updates
Answering Gail Gimbel, I think the unknown person in your photo may be Ricky Sherry from Dogleg (great name) Lane.
to confirm what Maddy wrote below, pretty sure that unknown person is my brother, Rik Sherry. He was very good friends with Peter Siegelman back in the day. The "tall guy" looks like Rik and we lived on Dogleg Lane, not Clover lane, two houses away from the Bagdons. Thanks for your newsletter Arthur although I cannot imagine how you have the time and energy it must take to put this out as frequently as you do. Happy holidays to all, Jane
I thoroughly enjoy the newsletters. Please keep them coming! To add to Jeffery Orling’s list of “S” sectioners, I offer the following: the Roths, Hecklers, Mardens (for a time), Klines, Greenbergs, Metzgers, Speilbergers, Bernsteins, Stones, Rutenbergs, Klaubers, Srinivasans, Goldbergs, Rubins, Malskys and Weinsteins—to name a few. :)
Thanks, everyone. Art Engoron (1967)
I Just Love reading all the news from everyone!
Joe Tartaglia
Class of 1967