Wow. It's amazing how things changed since my graduation in 1962.

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Just saw Arthur on TV. Way to go!! Didn’t even realize you were still a judge and thankful that you are !!

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Thank you Matt Haig and Wes Berkowitz. Although not an excuse, those of us who are/were teachers, all saw that very disappointing shift in education. I applaud you both for speaking out.

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another great newsletter. I especially want to thank Matt Haig and Wes Berkowitz for speaking out and saying want many of us Wheatley retired teachers have been thinking. I have heard complaints from former students who are now parents in the district. They are very disappointed that their children are not receiving the same quality education which they received.

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Mr Wathey was part of my life in Wheatley He was understanding about a person growing up with out a father and mother working I always could count on him

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I am shocked by Matt Haig’s comments. When I graduated in ‘62, Wheatley was fast becoming one of the best public high schools in the country. The teachers, the curriculum, and the administration were absolutely incredible. I pretty much lost track of things about two years after graduation, so I am/was pretty much removed from the Wheatley culture. It is with great sadness that I read Mr. Haig’s comments. I had no idea. My guess is that greed is responsible to some degree. It is destroying the bedrock of this country. I find it ironic that his article was published with the announcement of Walter Wathey’s passing. Mr Wathey not only embodied what was great about Wheatley, but what is great about this country.

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Dear Art, thank you for your wonderful newsletters. I loved the article about Mr.

Wathey. He was the assistant principal when I arrived for 7th grade in 1956. Yes, the first year for The Wheatley School! Since we had just moved to Roslyn Country Club, I knew no one. But after school on one of the first days Mr. Wathey held a pep rally for the football team. It was so exciting.

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Another Great Newsletter...thanks Art for perpetuating our history!

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