As we are living in such terribly sad and frightful times, when unending uncertainty and ambient anxiety comprise our daily diet, here—amid the posted anecdotes, updates, announcements, and memories— it’s comfort, reassurance, and warm camaraderie on offer. Intimations of a more embracing world and snapshots evoking a seemingly simpler time soothe us in these troubling times and connect us across decades. That you, Art, have a literal hand in both the awful and the sublime calls for our very sincere (and amazed!) gratitude. I don’t know how you do it.

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Thank you for all efforts

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Can anyone believe this? 124 issues of the Wheatley Alumni Newsletter. What a treasure! Perhaps there are other schools with a newsletter, but I certainly don't know of any. I doubt any are as elegantly conceived and produced. Art, what a brilliant endeavor on behalf of us Wheatley graduates.

Let me downshift for a moment. And, I hope this won't be taken as too political. It's not meant to be. But if some construe it as such, so be it. When I was stationed at the 67th Evac Hospital in Pleiku I was the only northerner in our small company. Whenever I walked onto the ward to make rounds they would play Buck Owens singing "I wouldn't Live In New York City If they gave me the whole dang town." We certainly had our political and social differences. But, unlike today's partisan divide, these viewpoints meant nothing and never entered into our interpersonal behaviors. Why? Because of our mutual respect. We had a mission to accomplish, and we did so to the best of our ability, albeit, with a little humor. We were responsible for each other. This was what 'America First' meant to us. One Nation, Indivisible.

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Hey Art, this is Luis Rios. I graduated in 1970 from the Wheatley high school. It’s good to hear all the good that we Lee has put out we did have amazing teachers that was quite fortunate to be able to experience the Wheatley high school.

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A delightful read that always yanks on my memory box lid . —- But. —/

I also live in the real world and experience the daily drone of all media knocking with their warnings to sell their wares .

Yet I survived intact with a great life of 6 daughters and blessing of a combination of 26 Great and Greatgrand children all without the Wheatley School’s “soapbox “ and it’s groups of “Chicken Little’s” . I always give thanks for the good stuff.

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Great job Art

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Great job. Another wonderful newsletter....Tracey class of 1959.

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Art, you are absolutely amazing to put this newsletter together with such frequency, thoroughness, and editing. Just don't quit your day job; the whole country needs you, not just us Wheatleyites.

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Another good one. Good memories of the 1983 basketball team and the Seacrest Diner after the games :)

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